The gift of tomorrow
Lucy Maud Montgomery, once wrote, “Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.” Today as I pray and meditate I think about these words. It gives me hope for a fresh start. A new beginning. Each day I get a clean slate to paint, however I wish. It is no one’s fault I am where I am today, except for mine. My choices of where and how I invest my energy each day lead to my overall well-being and mental state. I have hit my rock bottom and have caused harm to relationships that I have greatly cared for. The possibility to repair may not be possible, and I need to accept this. I need to own the power of my heart when it is not Christ focused. Without Christ, my heart is bitter, cold, resentful, and sees the worst in people and situations. Thankfully, I can be forgiven. I do not need to be a prisoner to my shortcomings. God has enough grace even for me. God says I am enough. God says I’m worthy. I...